Synonyms: Sparkling, flashing, updates, flash

See also Time limits , carousel , Video, progress bar

Animations are:

  • automatic visual changes or
  • unexpected visual changes when using the application.

Examples of automatic visual changes:

  • moving text,
  • automatically started video,
  • automatically scrolling content,
  • sparkling or flashing content,
  • content that is automatically updated after a certain time.

Examples of unexpected visual changes when using the application are:

  • content is additionally animated when scrolling in the screen,
  • content is scrolled through at different speeds when scrolling in the screen,
  • manually started video contains flashing content,
  • flashing error message which is shown after sending a form,
  • when viewing content, the content is not displayed immediately, but shown in animated form (e.g. scaled, shifted, rotated or changed in terms of its transparency).
57StatusContent which flashes for more than 3 times per second and exceeds a certain flash threshold (siehe General flash and red flash thresholds - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 ( (External Link)), must be avoided.MustEN 301 549:,
58FlashingContent which flashes for more than 3 times per second should be avoided.ShouldWCAG 2.1.: 2.3.2 (AAA)
59AnimationIf the application contains content that automatically moves, scrolls or flashes, and if this animation lasts longer than 5 seconds and is displayed along with other content, it must be possible for the animation to be paused, stopped, or hidden.

Note: Avoiding the use of automatically moving, scrolling or flashing content is recommended.

MustEN 301 549:,
60AnimationIf moving animations are displayed during the operation of the application, a mechanism should be available to disable them.

Note: The mechanism for disabling moving animations can be implemented in the application. Alternatively, the user preference in the operating system should be taken into consideration (Control panel > Ease of Access Center > Make the computer easier to use > Turn off all unnecessary animations).

MustEN 301 549:,
61UpdateIf the application contains content which is updated automatically and displayed along with other content, the update must be paused and/or stopped, or it must be possible to determine the frequency of the update and/or to hide the area with the automatically updated content.

Note: Avoiding the use of automatically updating content is recommended.

MustEN 301 549:,
62Alternative textIf information is communicated using the animation, this information must also be communicated in text form.

Note: Additional requirements apply to videos.

MustEN 301 549:,
63Reference to sensory propertiesInformation which serves the understanding or the operation of the application may not make exclusive reference to the animation of the described elements.MustEN 301 549:,

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