Synonyme: List field, multi-line selection list, list box

See also: Selection list , drpo-down list , check box group , tree structur

Multiple selection lists allow the selection of several options from a list (see DIN EN ISO 9241-161: 8.39).

All the selectable options are displayed in the multiple selection list (with scrollbrars if necessary). The selected options are highlighted. The options can be grouped. The labeling of the groups cannot be selected. The focused option is not automatically identical to the selected option.

Figure 44: Multiple selection list (the check mark indicates selected options, the blue background color indicates the currently focused option)

The requirements concerning the selection list are described in the “selection list” section. Here, only the additional requirements are described which result from the fact that it is a selection list with multiple selection.

670LabelThe multiple selection list must have a visible label (see Label).

Note: Users should be made aware of the possibility for multiple selection.

MustEN 301 549,
671DescriptionIf the multiple selection is not possible by simply activating the list entries, the operation with the keyboard and pointing device should be explained (see Practical tip: simplified use of multiple selection).ShouldWCAG 2.1: 3.3.5 (AAA), DIN EN ISO 9241-143: 9.6.11

The requirements concerning the selection list are described in the “selection list” section. Here, only the additional requirements are described which result from the fact that it is a selection list with multiple selection.

672It must be possible to access, operate and exit the multiple selection list with the keyboard (see Use of the keyboard table, below).

Note: This applies to the selection of neighboring and non-neighboring list entries.

MustEN 301 549:,

Use of the keyboard: multiple selection list

Permalink "Use of the keyboard: multiple selection list"

Note: A simplified but currently less established use of the multiple selection feature is described in the practical tip on the simplified use of multiple selection. It is recommended that the implemented operation concerning multiple selection is described in the application or the Help option, regardless of the method chosen

Focusing of the multiple selection listTABRequired
Value selection (all other values are deselected)[Navigation key]Required
Selection of neighboring valuesSHIFT+[Navigation key]Required
Selection of non-neighboring valuesCTRL+[Navigation key], gefolgt von CTRL+SPACERequired
Deselect a selected valueCTRL+SPACERequired
Select all valuesCTRL+ARequired

Use of the pointing device: multiple selection list

Permalink "Use of the pointing device: multiple selection list"

Note: A simplified but currently less established use of the multiple selection feature is described in the practical tip: simplified use of multiple selection . It is recommended that the implemented operation concerning multiple selection is described in the application or the Help option, regardless of the method chosen.

Value selection (all other values are deselected)Left click on a valuetRequired
Selection of neighboring valuesSHIFT+Left clickRequired
Selection of non-neighboring valuesCTRL+Left clickRequired
Deselect a selected valueCTRL+Left clickRequired

The requirements concerning the selection list are described in the “selection list” section. Here, only the additional requirements are described which result from the fact that it is a selection list with multiple selection.

673RoleThe multiple selection list role must be communicated to the Accessibility API (see Accessibility API).MustEN 301 549:,,,
674OperationIt must be possible to access, operate and exit the multiple selection list with assistive technology (see Accessibility API).MustEN 301 549:,,,

Practical tip: alternatives to the selection list with multiple selection

Permalink "Practical tip: alternatives to the selection list with multiple selection"

The possibility for multiple selection is not generally identifiable, as the multiple selection lists do not differ visually from the selection list . Moreover, multiple selection (in particular the selection of non-neighboring values) with the keyboard and the pointing device is difficult. In addition, the selected elements are often imperceptible with the screen reader. It is therefore recommended to replace multiple selection lists with other elements, to implement them in a simple form, or to describe their function and operation. Alternatives to multiple selection lists include:

  • group of check boxes, or
  • two selection list or multiple selection lists side by side, with the first list showing the available values and the second list showing the selected values. Buttons can be used to move values from the first list to the second list or to remove them (see screenshot).
Abbildung: Figure 45: Multiple selection list (WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.2: Listbox > Example Listboxes with Rearrangeable Options)

A simple use of multiple selection lists can be implemented as follows:

  • with the pointing device: Click on a value changes the status (selected or unselected)
  • with the keyboard: Enabling of a value with the SPACE bar changes the status (selected or unselected).

Practical tip: simplified use of multiple selection

Permalink "Practical tip: simplified use of multiple selection"

A simple use of multiple selection lists can be implemented as follows:

  • with the pointing device: Click on a value changes the status (selected or unselected)
  • with the keyboard: Enabling of a value with the SPACE bar changes the status (selected or unselected).

Practical tip: multiple selection list in Web applications

Permalink "Practical tip: multiple selection list in Web applications"
  • JAWS:
    • JAWS:
      • Without selected list entry: [label] extended list field [instruction on operation with the arrow keys]
      • With selected list entries: [label] extended list field [focused list entry] [position and amount] [instruction on operation with the arrow keys]
  • NVDA:
    • Without selected list entry: [label] list
    • With selected list entries: [label] list [focused list entry] [position and amount]
  • Windows narrator:
    • Without selected list entry: [label] selected supports multiple selection [amount]
    • With selected list entries: [label] [focused list entry] [position and amount] selected.

Please note: In the form mode, the selected list entries are imperceptible with the screen reader. The possibility for multiple selection is partly imperceptible. The use of an alternative element is therefore recommended (see Practical tip: alternatives to the selection list with multiple selection ).

Please note: The use of the keyboard is also difficult for the following reasons:

  • Modifier keys, which users may not be familiar with, are required for multiple selection. With old browsers, multiple selection with the keyboard is not possible and/or it is necessary for different modifier keys to be used.
  • In the case of multiple selection, the selected list entries are visible, but the currently focused list entry is not.

The use of an alternative element is therefore recommended (see Practical tip: alternatives to the selection list with multiple selection ).

The implementation instructions for the HTML selection list are described in the “selection list” section. Here, only the additional instructions are given, which result from the fact that it is a selection list with multiple selection.

  • The multiple selection list should be implemented with the multiple attribute.
  • The initially selected list entry is marked with the selected attribute.

The implementation instructions for the ARIA selection list are described in the “selection list” section. Here, only the additional instructions are given, which result from the fact that it is a selection list with multiple selection.

  • The possibility for multiple selection is communicated with aria-multiselectable=true.
  • The selected list entries are marked with aria-selected=true or aria-checked=true, all others with aria-selected=false and/or aria-checked=false.
  • When navigating through the list entries in the selection list, these must either actually receive the focus, or reference is made to the focused list entry with aria-activedescendant. The first variant is to be preferred. In both cases, care must be taken to ensure that the navigation through the multiple selection list does not automatically change the status of the list entries (selected or unselected)

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