Synonyms: Error message, error messages, input instructions, context-specific help

See also: Required field labeling, , description , help and support, , authentication , form

Error messages inform users about incorrect entries or incorrect operations. Error messages help with the correction of errors. Error messages can be displayed

  • after submitting a form,
  • when filling out a form, or
  • when operating the software.

Input instructions help users to avoid errors. These can be displayed

  • on the form,
  • on the respective form field, or
  • when operating the software.
5Error messageIf an error occurs, the incorrect form element must be identified and the cause of the error described in text formMustEN 301 549:,
6Error messageThe Submit button may not be disabled as long as the form is incomplete or filled out incorrectly. @ Note: This does not apply if there is an alternative method for displaying the error messages. -@MustEN 301 549:,
7Error messageThe error message must be permanently displayed.

This does not apply if the error has been fixed. For further exceptions, see time limits.

MustEN 301 549:,
8Error preventionForm elements must have an expressive label so that their purpose is identifiable.MustEN 301 549:,,,
9Error preventionIf the expected form field inputs cannot be derived clearly from the label of the form fields, additional input instructions must be provided (also see Beschreibungen).

Note: Examples of input instructions include:

MustEN 301 549:,
10Error preventionIf, when submitting a form,
  • a legal or financial commitment is made (e.g. when a contract is concluded),
  • user-managed data in a database is changed or erased, or
  • solutions are communicated in the context of an examination,
one of the following error prevention options must be offered:
  • The submission of the form can be undone.
  • The data is checked by the application for its accuracy, and users can subsequently correct any errors.
  • Users are asked to check their data for its accuracy and to correct incorrect inputs.
MustEN 301 549:,
11Error preventionWhen submitting information, one of the following error prevention options must be offered:
  • The submission of the form can be undone.
  • The data is checked by the application for its accuracy and the users can subsequently correct any errors.
  • The users are asked to check their data for its accuracy and are able to correct incorrect inputs.
ShouldWCAG 2.1: 3.3.6 (AAA)
12Error preventionA context-sensitive Help option should be offered.ShouldWCAG 2.1: 3.3.5 (AAA)
13Error preventionIf it is necessary to enter information (such as a user name and password) when logging in, a variant must be available so that users do not have to remember this information.

Note: The software can save the login data and enable the addition of the information from the clipboard or using a password manager.

ShouldWCAG 2.2
14Error preventionIf it is necessary to input data in a process several times, then such data should be filled in automatically after the first input or be made available for selection.

Note 1: This also applies to information that may potentially be different, such as delivery and billing addresses. After inputting the delivery address, users can be given the opportunity to accept the information for the billing address automatically instead of having to enter it again.

Note 2: This does not apply if inputting the data again is an essential requirement, is necessary for security reasons, or the data is no longer valid.

ShouldWCAG 2.2
15Error correctionIf the application is able to find suggestions for corrections to an incorrect input, these suggestions must be displayed.

Note: This does not apply if it presents a risk to the security or the purpose of the application, in authentication processes, for example.

MustEN 301 549:,
16Error correctionIf an automatic error correction takes place, an error message in text form must be displayed.MustEN 301 549:,
17UpdateIf the error message is displayed as a status message , it must be marked so that the assistive technology is able to output it automatically.

Note: If the error message is automatically focused, it is not considered a status message.

MustEN 301 549:,
18Error messageError messages on the form field must be linked to the form field in such a way that they are communicated to the Accessibility API.

Note: If the Accessibility API you use does not allow error messages to be communicated with a form field, the error messages must be sent as part of the Accessible Name oder der Accessible Description . In this case, the Accessible Description should preferably be used, so that the Accessible Name is not excessively long.

MustEN 301 549:,
19Error preventionInput instructions which are visually assigned to a form field must be programmatically associated with the form field as input instructions.

Note: If the Accessibility API you use does not allow for the communication of input instructions, the error messages must be communicated as part of the Accessible Name or the Accessible Description. In this case, the Accessible Description should preferably be used, so that the Accessible Name is not excessively long.

MustEN 301 549:
20Error preventionIf the technology used is able to identify the input purpose of form fields, the purpose of the form fields must be marked for the data of the respective users (e.g. surname, date of birth, place of residence) according to 301 549:,
21StatusIf it is only the case that a visual, non-textual error indicator is displayed on the incorrect field, then the error status must be communicated to the Accessibility API.

Note: Depending on the technology, the error status may only mean “incorrect” or be communicated in a more differentiated way (with respect to the criticality, for example, as a “note”, a “warning” or an “error”, or with respect to the error type during a spell check, for example, as “spelling”, “grammar” and “expression”).

MustEN 301 549:,

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